TheVictorianAmerican's avatar
But with Haiti under rebel control, Napoleon's dreams for an American colonial office was squashed. Plus, they needed monies to fund a war with the U.K.
Maine86's avatar
If Napoléon wanted the money, he would have sold Louisiana at an advantageous price. But the Louisiana Purchase was actually a present. The Americans wanted New Orleans and never asked for the rest of the territory. Even the price they offered for the city of New Orleans was higher than the Purchase! The truth is that Napoléon couldn't care less about Louisiana. He was just interested in Europe (just like Louis XV, the worst French king ever).
KantiaCartography's avatar
Fair enough. Jefferson wanted to ensure the spread and continuation of southern agriculture between the Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River by purchasing New Orleans. If Napoleon had wanted to, he could have increased the price tenfold and Jefferson wouldn't have thought twice. Throw in a guarantee to keep American ships from being dragged into the conflict with Britain and Napoleon could have asked for whatever price he could have wanted. 
TheVictorianAmerican's avatar
But that makes sense. He sold Louisiana because he wasn't interested in the Americas anymore, and he wanted money to fund wars in Europe.