Winxhelina's avatar
It's surprising that you based this off a RP with =kohakuaru, because when I saw this I actually thought it was his/her. The style seemed very similar, plus the theme. Dark picture wiyth someone bleeding. Does Ronald always get hurt in your RPs? I think your anatomy is very nicely done. And it has a strong depressing, dark feeling to it-. I think it looks very good.
TiBun's avatar
It's not Ron's blood. XD He's not hurt, just in shock and doesn't know how or why he killed random Shinigami partner number ten(?).

Why is it surprising that it's based off my RP with Kohakuaru? You know we RP together. (This is our third RP)
Winxhelina's avatar
No I thought it was surprising , because when I first looked at it. I thought it was her art. Not yours.
TiBun's avatar
Oh. :/ though I don't think it is good enough to be confused with his art. Wile our coloring styles can be kinda similar, the way he draws is better than the way I do. His anatomy is better.
Winxhelina's avatar
I see. He. Got it, And it is:) At least here:)
TiBun's avatar
I guess I got lucky on my anatomy, then. XD
Winxhelina's avatar
You did. That or you are really improving.
TiBun's avatar
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