thepurplesin2012's avatar
Superb work as always. Instant fave. There is only a few thigns I want to put down, I hope you dont get mad at me because of it.

I thing Ednas left arm is a bit off, but the rest is ok in your style. Bart looks like a real bad ass. And good work on your signature and water mark on top of gradients, that way thieves will have a hell of a time to remove it, if they know how to do it in the first place. Kudos!
MissFuturama's avatar
I am completely horrible at drawing hands and everybody knows it XD But still thank you.
thepurplesin2012's avatar
Nope I didnt, I just thought that it slipped off you but you were already so ahead of the game that didnt bother to go back. I have done it myself because Im lazy, but I guess Im wrong about you. Sorry.
MissFuturama's avatar
um.. Oo What? What game?
thepurplesin2012's avatar
Is slang. Game as of refering to the coloring. I need to stop typing in slang. sorry.