darkguitar3000's avatar
Gay marriage is 'the work of the devil' and yet sodomy of choir boys is ok..?? seriously though, plan of god? wtf?! The bible, greatest selling fictional novella. Seriously, ppl need to read the history of Christianity and the church, instead of being told what happened. More ppl were killed in the name of god during the fourth crusade then all of the modern wars of the world combined. yet alone all of the crusades... Anyone who would not convert during medieval periods were labelled pagans, demons, witches etc. and killed. Anyone who stood up for themselves, tortured.
Not saying all believers are judgmental and prejudice and or bad, but don't tell me that the church has the moral high ground.
Imperius-Rex's avatar
The Crusades were terrible, but WWI and WWII killed far more people individually than all of the Crusades combined.

Crusades (1095-1291)
1,000,000-3,000,000 deaths.

WWI (1914-1918)
15,000,000-65,000,000 deaths.

WWII (1939-1945)
40,000,000-72,000,000 deaths.
sleepyowlet's avatar
But back in the middle ages there weren't as many people, so the numbers are just as horrifying if seen in relation to the overall populace. That aside, Hitler&Co were stout Catholics and believed they were doing God's work. And the Catholic church cooperated beautifully. How about that?