SkelionTris's avatar
Well, then you might as well just write about why you think legal authority/power is always bad, rather than disguising it as a revelation about the Pope. The 'revelation' depends on your a priori assumption, and follows trivially from it.
IvanAndreevich's avatar
I'm against the use of force (except in self defense), and I like the ability to choose. The catholic church (today) is better than a government in a sense that they do not claim sovereignty over the members. They provide services (kinship, a promise of a fulfilled life, an eternal life after death, etc) which they withdraw if you choose to quit. So long as choose to remain within the church, the church has lots of authority over you. That's totally fine, because that stops once you decide to quit the day after that pedophile priest molests your daughter.

The way in which an abusive religious cult is different - like Jehovah's Witnesses - is that they will enforce compliance against you by preventing your family and friends from contacting you if you decide to quit or criticize the organization. This is very similar to how a government would deal with a citizen who just wants to be left alone - NO BENEFITS, but NO TAXES too. If you speak out against incredible abuses - like Bradley Manning - they will use violence against you, and brand you a traitor. There is no practical opt out option unless you are willing to move away physically and start over again.
SkelionTris's avatar
Is that your 'best imaginable' head of state? Hum.
IvanAndreevich's avatar
I didn't talk about a head of state at all. It's not about the person, more so that it is about the system.