Comment on I'LL BE BACK by arkan54

earthbaragon's avatar
I always wondered how MG's fingers worked in the fake suit. I mean you look at them when he is in the robot form and they are just straight rockets. No bending. But oddly enough he can bend them to grab a hold of Angilas' jaw and break it, while he is in the costume.....o_0
DarkShadeAnimations's avatar
This was discussed on toho kingdom forums once, my theory is I guess is that the Fake Godzilla suit had animalistic hands installed inside of it.
earthbaragon's avatar
Can't even tell you the last time I poked my head on one of the G Forums. Used to be a mod and contributor on Toho Kingdom a long time ago, but alas when college kicked in I couldn't handle it and bowed out. Still nice to see the forum is going strong though :)