NyanToday's avatar
I'm crying because I'm skinny. I've been reading these and I regret being born or being athletic. I regret everything. I wish I was never born. I hate my body. I am a stick figure. Show no sympathy because I "shouldn't be complaining" because I will attract jerks and that I "deserve it" If I feel like absolute crap because I am the left or right side of a 2d figure. I feel like I should go on a eating spree. I am a line. People say I'm attractive but I think everyone secretly hates me because I have a small group of friends and I'm slightly attractive. My body has scars and scratches from running and jogging. That's not attractive and we all know it. Spare the comments making dun of my description and just forget I even exist. Because I don't deserve it.
Colleenes2003's avatar
I know that this comment was posted two years ago but I feel the need to say this. Be who YOU want to be, not what others want you to be, and if you don't want to hold up the ideal image of society, then don't! No one should stop you from being you.
Pandy1031's avatar
Personally, I'm on the chubby side but I don't judge by body type. Heck I think skinnier guys are attractive and I very well know more and more guys are liking thicker girls. But I actually have a very small breast size. Actually smaller than "twigs" sure you may be athletic, but that doesn't mean you have less or more of a chance than us chubby girls. In fact it's not your body or you in general. It's how the guy you like sees you. And like ramendangosenbei said what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
ramendangosenbei's avatar
Now, wouldn't that just make people around you who care sad?  Skinny bodies, chubby bodies, WHO CARES? All that matters is that you and happiness. If people run from you, quote from myself two days ago, let em run. What doesn't kill you make you stronger and those wounds and scratches? They show determination! You were born for a reason, and don't youndare throw that reason away. Don't know what the reason is? Make one. You're beautiful, he's beautiful, that cactus is beautiful, even that snail is beautiful. Everyone deserves happiness, even you and me and all of us. It's OK to feel like shit, it's OK to feel great, it's only human for us to have emotions. So try to turn that frown, upsidedown. And have a great life! Remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel! :)
EpicCatBomb's avatar
I don't see anything wrong with any type of body.
NyanToday's avatar
Its okay I'm not depressed or anything so yeah. Actually I might be because I've been contemplating suicide!