OverKill-Pon3's avatar
do you know how to submit art so it comes up on the main deviant art browsing page? i only know how to submit to my gallery and dont know if it comes up in deviant
art's browsing page anyways
AC-whiteraven's avatar
on the DA home page? it comes up every time you submit stuff for everyone

if that's what you mean :)
OverKill-Pon3's avatar
are you still there or did you leave me too
OverKill-Pon3's avatar
yeah on DA home page i was wondering if you have to post it there specifically or if it shows up there when you submit to gallery
OverKill-Pon3's avatar
if thats still confusing let me rexplain. on your profile under the widget newest deviations when u submit art there it shows up in your gallery but does it also show up on the DA homepage