LordGravon's avatar
Speaking of Doctor Who, I actually have a Star Wars character, based on the 10th incarnation of Doctor. I created him back in 2009 when I saw an animated Doctor Who serial called "Dreamland" and thought that this is how an animated Doctor would look like in a Doctor Who/Clone Wars crossover because I planned to write a fanfic about it. Once I drawned a Doctor in Jedi robe with a lightsaber out of boredom. That's when the idea came in. I decided not to bring the Doctor into the Star Wars universe, I will rather make a character based on him. The problem was that the Doctor is a really powerful character so I stripped him from all his powers and made him to be a human. So he is more emotional, capable of falling in love ect. He's more like in the "Human Nature/The Family of Blood" Doctor Who episodes. But he still needed to have some special abilities so I made him to be a Jedi. The Jedi Order is full of wise and powerful people, living in bit temples and all that, they're like the counterparts of the Time Lords in the Star Wars universe and the Doctor likes to use swords anyway. ;) Since this Jedi was not really going to be the Doctor I needed to give him a name. I wanted it to begin with the letter D so I named him Darius. Now if the Doctor were a Jedi many of his actions would lure him to the dark side considering how emotional and angry he can be sometimes. So that is a key element of Darius' character. He's falling to the dark side but there's always something that holds him back. I made him younger, the same age as Ahsoka was in the latest seasons of the Clone Wars and he's the apprentice of Kit Fisto. I think he's really fitting for him as a Master.

I have some pictures about Darius at my gallery and I will write holodiary entries as him. Hope you guys will check it out. Good fanfic by the way. The sequel is more of a crossover but nicely written.