Tank50us's avatar
you mean a Starfighter version of the F-14 Tomcat? or an SF-14 Shooting Star [link] in a Tomcats colors?
LEgGOdt1's avatar
So the Grumman SF-14 Shooting Star has the capiblity to fly into outer space beyond Luna(Moon) under its own power and is able to fly as if it was still in Earth's atmosphere, like the VF-1 Valkyrie in Macross. And if you going to called the jet SF-14, the jet's name should have "cat" somewhere in its name to be concider a future version of the Grumman F-14 TOMCAT.
Tank50us's avatar
FYI, the plane, isn't mine, it's :iconshoguneagle:s, here's his data on it [link] . Bagera then drew up the design [link] and I did the model. While I may make slight adjustments here and there, I do not have anything to do with the model.

Now, if you're wanting me to make a space capable F-14, then fine, I will, but keep in mind, it will -not- be for free.
LEgGOdt1's avatar
No thank I'm flat broke and besides I already have a space capible fighter called the JSF-196G HYPER TOMCAT II, which has not only the capiblity to fly in space But also the HYPER TOMCAT II has a nuclear reactor as a power sorce for all eletrical componets, and when in flight in both atmospheric, as well as outer space it uses Ion engines that can do Mack 20+ in the atmostphere and Mack 50+ in space. And the Hpyercat is a stealth fight that is not only invisible to radar, but also inforred, ultarvilot light, and visual as well, and there is no way you can hear it come even if the jet is right next to in full after burner.