Manostion's avatar
This is so amazing! *_*

Did I already tell you about my project? :D
EmberWolfsArt's avatar
Thank you :D

Not that I can recall off.
Manostion's avatar
Well I'm currently working on an Unreal Engine 3 Final Fantasy game similar to the Dissidia games just with far more stages and characters (and lots of other stuff like new game modes and so on) and I want to include Final Fantasy VIII's trading cards based game Triple Triad covering all of the Final Fantasy series and even a little of the Kingdom Hearts games.

For those cards I need artwork of course and I thought getting some of them from great deviants would be killing two birds with one stone, because I get awesome artwork for my project and, since I'm going to give them proper credit (their name directly on the cards themselves, a more detailed info featuring links etc. within the game and of course in the description here on deviantART), they get a certain level of promotion.

Now to put it in a nutshell, I'm only asking what I think are exceptional artists and I definitely consider you one.

If you're by any chance interested - and know that you could take your time, because the project is still far from finished - I'd gladly have you join!

There are already some deviants who agreed to make artwork for me, so you'd not be the only one and one of them, *coral-chi, has already sent me her first artwork ([link]).

You can also see some of the finished cards aswell as the finished game board here: [link]
And I've also finished some Booster Packs that can be bought for GIL in the game: [link]
EmberWolfsArt's avatar
I would love to join in. Could you send me a message with details on how to do this, rules and what it is you want me to draw (also info about what format, size and stuff like that).

It sounds very intressting and I look forward to this but yes it may take some time, I have some comissions to finish, but I can try to make something for the cards as well.

Thank you so much for this opportunity and thanks for the compliments :D

S: Yes I´d love to help out :D
Manostion's avatar
Awesome! :)

For the rules etc., you can just check out the description of my Triple Triad game screen. If you want I can send you a list of the monsters/bosses/summons/characters that are already reserved (being done) by other deviants. Other than the cards that are already finished and the ones that are already reserved, you can basically do any monster/boss/summon/character from the series.
Just better tell me what you wanna do, before you start! ^^
EmberWolfsArt's avatar
Yes please a list would be nice. I know so little about final fantasy or cardgames, but I am good at illustrating (also there is google ;) ) but it would be much easier if you send me a list of what you want done instead, like if there are figures/characters that has not ben drawn/painted yet. I am good at canines mostly, but can also draw monsters, dragons and "cute" stuff.

Send me a list of five you want done and I´ll see if I can do it. Much appreciate this :D

/ Ember