BrutalityInc's avatar
War makes monsters of us all.

"Dibs on the horns! And I want those wings too to go with the Eggs when we start cooking them for the victory roast tonight!"
MagicMan001's avatar
Not cool, mate, not cool. Yeah, I know, long time ago, but still.

Also, "War makes monsters of us all" is still not a handwave excuse for barberism
BrutalityInc's avatar

Very true. 
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Soldier 2: "Hey, save some of those Eggs for me...and NOT to cook! My wife keeps writing me about buying some Changelings when I get back home, but those slave auctions are bucking expensive! I'll just hatch the little gutter slime myself and get 'em for free!"
MagicMan001's avatar
(shakes head) Oh, Minion... I know, long time ago, but still, mate, c'mon.
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Yeah, I was still a moron then... (Though it was more to see Brutality's response. How he would react and whatnot. :P)
MagicMan001's avatar
I know man, it's cool. Still, it's stuff like that just makes me wanna go and take every newborn Pegasi in Cloudsdale and Las Pegasus and throw them screaming off the city edges, just so I can then listen to the 'thudding' sound of them hitting the ground, as well as the hysterical cries of grief from their parents.
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
...Turnabout ISN'T always fair play, dude.
MagicMan001's avatar
I know, mate, that's the thing. I'd never write it (against my anger), but if the ponies ever were so disgustingly vile, I couldn't blame any changelings for doing so.
SomeRandomMinion's avatar
Well, to lighten things up, just imagine that the whole previous scene was a Changeling propaganda film (with shape-shifted 'ling actors), or a black comedy parody put out years AFTER the war.
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