Fun4All328's avatar
Thank you for making the wings a realistic size xD
TwilightSaint's avatar
Hehe, welcome! XD Thank you!
Fun4All328's avatar
You're welcome as well! :D It just makes me mad when the wings are itty-bitty and it somehow still flies xD
TwilightSaint's avatar
Oh yeah, it bugs me so much when I see wings that are, like, maybe as long as the dragon's body...from the shoulders to the hips. Seriously, I'm just like 'No.' XD I guess for flying or swimming that could work, but never for extended soaring like how I like my dragons. ^^
Fun4All328's avatar
Oh my god ikr! Or when the wings look like they are frickin 300% muscle. Way too much weight to even get off the ground. I appreciate large, leathery wings. Thank you for painting them so when my artistic skills failed me on dragons