Conicer's avatar
I absolutely agree with you about what-ifs. They're simply the bread and butter of almost all great stories. :D For 'The Three Sisters', it's what if Rarity was a changeling queen all along? In 'Contraptionology!', it's what if Applejack tried to join a science fair? 'Super Amazing Rocket Sled of Awesome' asks what if Spike gets a... well, you get the picture. ;)

And thanks for the 'Changeling in Ponyville' recommendation. I'll be sure to check it out. :)
kingofraggedy's avatar
Okay, sorry, I had to make sure what the title was for the actual fanfic; all I knew was that the story was about a changeling who was stuck in Ponyville.

Here's the direct link to the story that I had mentioned: [link]