varebanos's avatar
...the text wsa in Japanese... Do you know the meaning of /shota/...? *totally not going to link to it*
ChasehaWing's avatar
I hate shota. little boys or men that look like little boys going at it, disturbs me. A lot. Also its shouta.
varebanos's avatar
Well, if we are going to get picky, it's ショタコン; I'm pretty sure shouta is a bad spelling, the proper romanization is shōta.
And well, alright, I'm not saying I like it either, just that there was a bunch of pictures with that outfit and I think lingerie all pink and frilly is cute.
ChasehaWing's avatar
....*shivers and slinks away into the shadows* Chaseha_wing is going to disappear into the night... why not just give Dami regular PJ's though, or cute panda footsies ones?
varebanos's avatar
He has the onesie and the swimming thing and, seriously I learned how to use flash, drew this and built it all into a game in a single night, the only outfit I made up myself was the swimsuit >_>
And I went to rescue the chats from back then and I forgot to add, but I had a fever too
I can't change it anymore anyways my flash trial ran out *shrughs*
ChasehaWing's avatar
Oh well okay then.