Sardorim's avatar
You're putting words in my mouth. The man I'm talking about is the one in charge of Attack on Titan so your rant is meaningless and I'll ignore it as you misread what I said completely.

If the creator and his team are pushing it than they owe it to either confirm or deny it. Not doing either is pathetic and fans deserve better than to be left with no conclusion in the end.

It's why series that have no resolution for the main characters or the story are usually panned a great deal by fans who rightfully feel betrayed and lead on. 
EdwardX1's avatar
Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, sorry. Well yeah, sometimes leaving some things unresolved by an end of a story is okay (if done right) as it could symbolize that nothing ever truly ends. Even though we won't be following the characters anymore, their lives still go on.
Still, it can be very annoying when writers just abandon loose ends.
Sardorim's avatar
It is indeed. It's also why I hate games like Mass Effect 3 as the ending felt unfinished. Hell the original "secret" end has the game end with a single breath before credits despite it being the last game in the trilogy. They purposely dangled false hope before the player and than cut to black without any real resolution to Shepard's story.
EdwardX1's avatar
Okay, when it comes to video games. Loos ends should not be left hanging EVER.
Sardorim's avatar
Agreed on that. Though the Manga and Anime shouldn't leave loose ends either. Te Anime may if it doesn't get a season 2 but the Manga shouldn't have any loose ends as it's  the source material!
EdwardX1's avatar
Nope. They'll leave lose ends that aren't all that important (it's what most mangas do). Again, such as Eren and Mikasa getting together. From what I see now, there isn't any foreshadowing to it. Yeah, Mikasa has he obsession for Eren but on the other end he just treats her like she's his annoying older sister (it kinda pisses me off when he yells at her) and Armin like he's his precious little brother (even if all three of them are the same age). However, the loose ends such as where Titans come from or something... now that should NOT be left loose. I'll kill some one if it does.
Sardorim's avatar
There will be loose ends but Mikasa and Eren's relationship doesn't seem like one. It has to be addressed eventually as Mikasa is becoming more off balanced with the Titans repeatedly capturing Eren and causing her to lose her humanity in her quest to get him back no matter what.

The Titan origin hopefully will be answered. Many believe the Basement and the Walls themselves are the true secret to the Titans.
EdwardX1's avatar
Yeah, Mikasa's crush on Eren is very obvious. Too the point where it actually annoys me. All she thinks about is Eren. Which I understand but I don't like girls that are obsessed. But my peeves aren't what's important. Eren has stated over and over how much Mikasa annoys him. Sure, he cares about her and will protect her no matter what... but he always treats her like his sister. He is always standing up to her, saying stuff like "You're not the boss of me" "I'm not your baby brother!" and blah blah blah. In a way, he treats Mikasa the way he used to treat his mom (whom he loved very much but would constantly argue with her). I just don't see the chemistry on Eren's part, and so far he hasn't developed attraction to her in the slightest, he still treats her like he always has. In other anime (or stories in general), when people are going to be together or gain feelings for one another... it doesn't just happen at the end. It is foreshadowed or developed over time. Eren has gone through some character development such as to learn to trust others, training and skill are just as important as courage, and other stuff. However, his character arc has never  once been focused on what he feels for Mikasa. If the two are gonna get together, I'd prefer it won't be a last minute thing where right at the end, Eren is like "Mikasa I just realized that I am in love with you!" or "Mikasa, I always loved you just could never admit it to myself!".