Dr-Infinity's avatar
Site is slow to load, sometimes it doesnt load at all.
faeorain's avatar
I don't have problems with the site itself loading slow, more like huge journal pages or profile pages with insane amounts of images, stamps and flash content.
newmewplz's avatar
yeah people think dA is like tumblr or other social networking places where they can pile a whole heap of gifs or flashy things that chew up lots of internet usage every time you visit their page... and the worst is when it lags or takes forever to load all the images etc. :/
General-EbonRose's avatar
Me and everyone I know has the same problem. dA is the only site that does it so regularly too.
ItsNotFilia's avatar
Sounds like a connectivity issue whose roots are somewhere between you and their servers, because it loads fine for me and I live in Europe; that's something that dA can't fix, but you could probably consult your ISP, if this problem happens on other sites you visit, as well.