KechK's avatar
no magician goes without years of training! *stands tall and proud* lol i just practice more to get better, still on the road for improvement! many thanks for the comments!
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KechK's avatar
erm depends? Realistic fur depends on the lighting, something I haven't really managed to capture yet...
If I do quick fur studies it depends whether i'm including underfur etc.
I spend more time blotching out what colours I'm going to use lol XD
Also, this tutorial is quite outdated :P
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KechK's avatar
Haha thanks! Yea, studying the colour theory does help but it's still difficult to colour because
1) fur colour and how it interacts with the light/shadow
2) fur texturing, the shadows of how the fur is fluffy etc.
3) the body shadow itself

I always have trouble doing the main shadows .-. It's what make's things more realistic but yeah colour theory makes the painting pop out more. I'm still learning but the colours I've used the most is orange and purple combos, a bad habit .-. :P
Thanks a bunch for the lovely comments!