yakkingyetis's avatar
i think it would be cooler is it was all one painting and not cut ?
Muleyo's avatar
I'm pretty sure it's all done on one piece of board. So no cutting or pasting or editing. 
yakkingyetis's avatar
the link seemed to say so 
Viridisa's avatar
Sadly, it was cut. Just look here adam-nowak.com/
But still, impressive piece of art.
Muleyo's avatar
Ah, thanks for letting me know [and kindly, I might add]
Viridisa's avatar
You're welcome!
Just don't know what do you mean by "kindly"? Did you think that someone could answer rude to normal, human mistake? Everyone could overlook link in description ; )
MagicBirdie's avatar
Oh, someone probably would on the internet. Thanks for not being one of them, then.
Viridisa's avatar
Ah, yes, Internet... International place for hatred and haters... Well. Have a nice day anyway!