Marsmar's avatar
Neither do a lot of people who are in the gaming community.
i'll agree some are annoying, but not all are like this
Marsmar's avatar
Not all Muslims are violent, not all Christians hate gays, not all vegans are in your face about it, not all gays are flamboyant pride parade types, not all blacks steal, not all jews are greedy, not all Libertarians love Ayn Rand, not all atheists are edgy teenagers.

Your point? Because what it looks like here is that these people are trying to use feminist theory to justify their complaints about video games and atheist conventions and I'm just shoving it right back up their rectum.
I'm not trying to argue with you calm down
Marsmar's avatar
I am calm. You're just throwing out tired old arguments that have been said thousands of times to unsuccessfully get people not not criticize a group.
i'm not arguing at all, let's just drop this and quit accusing each other, okay?
Marsmar's avatar
You've attempted to make counter points to what I've written. That by definition is an argument. But if you want to, fine. Consider the subject dropped.