TwilightIsMagic's avatar
One seems to be conspicuously absent in this picture. Not even a sheath. So he had to compensate with magic OF DOOOOOOOM
YorkBrony's avatar
At the risk of getting into a horrifically pointless debate, I'd like to point of that even Twilight's plot shot in the second season finale didn't have any private parts.

It's just like, a barren marshmallow-y wasteland of innocence and friendship down there...
TwilightIsMagic's avatar
Then we have shots like this and more...

That's kind of the point, obviously. But it doesn't take away the opportunity for a joke, y'know.

And mmmm, marshmallows... Blueberry-flavoured, too... Ahem. Don't pursue that train of thought.
YorkBrony's avatar
Too late. I was already making hot chocolate when I read this.

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