excalibur325's avatar
is Spike an elf? the pointy ears and all...
QuantumBranching's avatar
Well, if the Ponies are humans, it sort of fits: Elves are cruel, non-human immortals with dangerous powers...Spike is an Elf raised by humans (a changeling?) so therefore not the SOB norm for Elves.
Mushies12's avatar
Cruel, non-human immortals with dangerous powers? Wow that's not what I've heard
QuantumBranching's avatar
Classical fairy tale descriptions: I suppose you can go Tolkien or Disney, but I think Terry Pratchett does a better job. 
Mushies12's avatar
Haven't read any Terry Pratchett, and I don't follow Tolkien or Disney either... I have my own thing xD
QuantumBranching's avatar
Fair enough. Far too much stuff to read or watch out there for any one lifetime. (Which is why I hope the afterlife has a library. :) )