ASkinnyWhiteGuy's avatar
I'd really REALLY love it if Nintendo came out with another Metroid game but for both the Wii and the PC. Hell, I'd even love it if they remade Metroid Fusion for the PC. With today's graphics in video games, just imagine the Nightmare's melting face...the X's eerie appearance...The pale, mortifying eyes of the SA-X...and probably all the gore you could ever ask for in a videogame. I'd even LOVE to see how they'd convert the BSL station from 2D to 3D platformer. That would be a game worth playing. And playing again.
Last-Legend's avatar
indeed they are due for a new metroid game. I'd love to see a Super Metroid 3DS. nintendo games never comes out on PC unfortunately :( but if they revamp the Metroid fusion like Capcom did for Resident Evil that would be interesting. going in style of Metroid: another M scheme would be good i think I like that game even though hearing Samus' voice and her progression gave me a mix feeling on how her strong character is. but we all get used to it by just loving the gameplay XD
ASkinnyWhiteGuy's avatar
Well they should come out on PC...:iconfffuuuplz:
Last-Legend's avatar
psssss: there are always emulator and roms :p