TheGasMaster4381's avatar
Very well said! It's kinda funny how we will make excuses not to try. I admit I am guilty of making these excuses at one time or another. It's like we either don't love what we do in art, or we are too scared to succeed. You did well by bringing the opposing view of each excuse into play because it gives us the opportunity to think about our excuses. I like how you promote art as a positive challenge to the reader because it can encourage artists to try harder and grow a love for their preferred medium. This article has certainly encouraged me as an artist :)
jane-beata's avatar
Of course that success is scary, it brings a lot of responsibility and that terrifies the hell out of people, in general (: Thank you for reading & your comment :heart:
TheGasMaster4381's avatar
Yes, and that responsibility potentially brings change in ones life when people are naturally afraid of change as well. Your welcome! thank you for your post because it was highly informative and fun to read :D