Yrisz's avatar
These are all great excuses, good for you.

But just think, the time you spent on writing your excuses you could have very well spent on drawing or studying art.

(Unless you do not wish to be an artist, however if you do, you need the right mind set for it...as long as your putting excuses above actually trying you shouldn't expect to get anywhere in the world of art, it doesn't just happen overnight, it is hard work much like anything worth achieving)
Kaye-Star's avatar
Did you notice that I put "Time to play" at the top of my response?

That response was a joke. Well, half-a-joke. My life does not revolve around art alone. That's not healthy. I DO have other priorities, one of which involves recovering from depression, and if that and others are "excuses", well...

The time I spent writing that reply could've been spent anything else. That does not mean I don't practice drawing. I just don't treat it like a military duty.
Yrisz's avatar
Okay...that's perfectly normal. Art is not your soul propose for living, for some it is. People are all very different, there are many uses for art and reasons to do it. Some are looking at it as a carrier and they have to be competitive and motivated.

If you have anything else to say to me, feel free to contact me personally, as I believe we are getting slightly off topic.