This is pretty awesome, I like the look of just about everything here. Being a fan of Tangled certainly helped a fair amount. As a longtime fan of Finders Keepers (moment of silence for the non-continuation of a great webcomic), I've always enjoyed your artwork. Probably the only thing about this beautiful piece of art that I find amusing in its inaccuracy is the fact that Rapunzel here is using NODs. As someone who has used them in the military, I know that the amount of light down on the street would probably result in her seeing nothing but a big greenish white glare. Of course, I could be mistaken, and those are the new and REALLY nice ones that are adaptive to light levels in the environment. Given that she's using a laser on her pistol (nice touch, that), if her goggles are light-variable, it would make a lot of sense, and that handy little laser is probably showing up bright and clear. Someone is just about to have a bad day, lol. Keep up the great work, and I'll definitely keep an eye out for any other webcomics you may produce, good sir.