Rockeeterl's avatar
Try deleting the Transparency linked with Material Output and Soft Light, if it doesn't work, try with different hair texture, if the shadows persists try downloading another Ada model and test the hairs texture, the nodes are correctly added and linked, I don't know why that shadows, or try deleting Glossy, maybe is that node that's causing the shadow.
LeonCray's avatar
I tried all those steps... 
the shadows doesn't dissapear..
Rockeeterl's avatar
Wow... well, I don't really know then.. have you followed correctly the tutorial?, try using another model, for example a Lara Croft model or Jill Valentine model and see if it happens with those models too, if it happens, then it's something that you're doing wrong.
LeonCray's avatar
I fixed it, Thanks!
So.. I have a last question.
Sorry if I'm annoying, but
How can I remove the double textures?
I used a model of Ada Wong with a Chinnense dress, so, how can I remove the double textures of it?
Rockeeterl's avatar
I don't understand, double textures? 
LeonCray's avatar
In XNALara is Called 
Back-Facing Culling, or something like that