Comment on Yurika 2013 by AyumiNazu

Hotaru-No-Mayowasu's avatar
It's very nice and definitely shows dynamics. I just tried doing the hand pose on the left hand and it hurt. To me however everything looks pretty good. I wonder if we would see more shadows on the bottom area of the left arm though? Even if it's just a glimpse to hint that the rest of the bottom of the arm is in shadow? Just a thought.
AyumiNazu's avatar
The hand pose is a mid action pose, it might hurt if you try to hold the pose. I took a photo of myself doing that pose for reference so it's definitely possible :)
Thank you for the suggestion of darkening the shadow on the arm. I'm also happy that you like the artwork, thank you!
Hotaru-No-Mayowasu's avatar
You're welcome and I knew it was possible XD Just hurt attempting it lol. And you're quite welcome.