Swagamemnon's avatar
Your Name: Zena
Character Name + Link: Airmid Crates from Godfather Death [link] , and Faustus Milldam from the Devil With Golden Hairs [link]
Royal or Rebel: Airmid is 100% neutral, she doesn't love her story, but she doesn't hate it ever. Faustus is a Royal. He wants to go on his adventure.
RP Style: Third-person past tense. I like to have my RP casual, but I don't mind the size of the posts. It ranges from paragraphs to one-liners. I also use "chat format" for "crack" RPs.
RP Method: I would prefer email, but I know people don't like sharing it, so that's fine! dA notes work too, but I check my email more frequently that I check my dA.