Nullibicity's avatar
I'm sure you've gotten quite a bit of hell for this. However, I hope you know that this is very well worded and it carries a hard concept which you've conveyed well enough in order for people to be upset.

I see people dividing themselves into two sides as the "depression victims" and the "victims of those with depression." I happen to agree with both, actually.

I used to cut, too, and I've tried to commit suicide before. I totally understand how the cutter, or person with depression, feels incredibly selfish and shamed already and doesn't need to be told that as it could only make things worse (though for some it helps). I can see how some would see this as an insult... but I've also watched my twin sister go through the cuts and the suicide attempts to the point I was so distraught and hurt that I couldn't help... that I couldn't break through to her and that no matter how much I loved her, she was trapped within her depression. I think people with depression do need to feel loved and wanted, but I think some just trap themselves there. You DO hurt other people by cutting and trying to commit suicide, and that just shows how much those people want to help you and how much they love you. and you DO hurt when you're depressed, to the point the pain can sometimes be unspeakable. But by totally ignoring those loving people and continuing to try and shoulder your hurt on your own... don't you think that hurts them, too? Most only want to help.