Groudan383's avatar
How could you forget something like this!? This piece is awesome! I really, really like this piece! I just laugh at how so many people get butt hurt over him. They continually ride and complain about his name, but they never look at him by a design standpoint. Zilla is a VERY cool kaiju with a really cool and unique design. His personality is very different from other kaiju.
KaijuKid's avatar
this is all true, and to be honest I'd even like his solo movie more if only the human cast hadn't been so....astoundingly terrible (sans Jean Reno of course). I still love the Zilla cartoon series though, it's a favorite staple from the childhood that was and is a perfectly respectable send up to classic Godzilla we all know and love.
Groudan383's avatar
Yeah, even with the horrible acting i still loved that movie. It was a more realistic kaiju movie like Cloverfield. On top of that, like i said before, Zilla was and still is pretty damn cool looking. I LOVED the cartoon series. If the movie would have been like that, no one would have ever bitched. The cartoon was AWESOME and i LOVED Zilla Jr. He REALLY kicked some ass and took names like his JP counterpart. He was also pretty nice and had a scence of humor too. Til this day that show still remains my favorite cartoon of all time.

To be honest, i think Zilla (at least the cartoon one) is one of the few kaiju that could actually defeat the Big G. Hes basically the polar opposite of him and is still, if not more vicious and brutal than Big G himself. Hes also a lot smarter. Heres another thing i never got either. People always want to see them fight, but no one ever wants them to team up and kick ass. They would sure be one hell of a duo.