GardenerJames99's avatar
It doesn't hurt the theory that it sounds like something someone heard one incarnation of and then deliberately exaggerated to prove a point.

Surely this widespread and heavily taught factoid must have some presence on the internet, why don't you do me a solid and go find me something. REALLY show me I don't know what I'm talking about and you were right all along.
SpectralIris's avatar
I wish I could show you my old schoolbooks, but obviously I don't have them anymore as I graduated a few years ago. The fact that there are multiple people who can report this--and yes, I am a stranger to the person who made this, check my history if need be--shows that it is happening in some places. Is it everywhere? No. No one is claiming that.

But you are insisting it DOESN'T happen. It does. I lived it, the artist lived it, others lived it. Count yourself lucky you didn't.
GardenerJames99's avatar
But how the fuck is there not a single shred of this outside of "those schoolbooks", is what I'm asking you. Right wingers fucking love re-writing history and nature, they have entire museums dedicated to it.  How the fuck is this one thing coincidentally confined to very specific-but-still-totally-widespread textbooks? That sounds like some shit they'd have entire websites and CHick Tracts dedicated to, but it's coincidentally just in a book that by sheer fate only a handful of people have or will see, but everyone else is expected to just roll with it JUST CUZ YOU DIDN'T SEE IT AND I CAN'T PROVE IT DOESN'T MEAN I'M LYING!!!?