Bretschneider's avatar
nice photo, but he really looks like he just was let out from jail....
splendidofsun's avatar
Thank you :) Yes, he had that scary looks but when I saw him holding on to the balloon, I had the feeling that he cared deeply for his children :)
goninja's avatar
Come on, he's holding a balloon! A balloon!
Bretschneider's avatar
of course he is holding a balloon, and rapists like ice cream and sweets.

but of course. this photo is awesome because of its contrast, to be more exact, because of his looks and his activity. and sad look in his eyes. do not match his appearance at all. that's why it's a miracle.
dagoth-jeff's avatar
Aaaaaaaand that's the point here, is how foolish it is to pass judgment on someone because of something like tattoos.
Bretschneider's avatar
who said that it is because of his tattoos? i am talking about his whole appearance, he looks like he just came out of conclager.
dagoth-jeff's avatar
His other "whole appearance" seems pretty casual to me, I don't see these prison stripes that you're talking about.
Bretschneider's avatar
really? well you have surpassed humanism and cosmopolitanism then or i don't know what... even the photographer admitted that he looked scary to her.

you know gypsies love their children too and are buying them balloons but they are also selling/making drugs at night (of course not all of them, but it's hard to find one who is "clear"). these appearance stereotypes are because of the reason.
well. these rings, and his skinny look shaved head. look (as i said here before) as if he just ran from concentration camp.

and for the last, who am i to judge this person? i am not judging i am just saying my opinion, neither i said that's bad ,neither i said it's good. i didn't say my opinion about prisoners? or... did i? :?

"His other "whole appearance" seems pretty casual to me, I don't see these prison stripes that you're talking about." <- i think you didn't understand the meaning of this photo then. that's exactly what photographer wanted to show to us, the contrast.
dagoth-jeff's avatar
Your opinion about prisoners? Are you even listening to yourself? The derogatory prison thing wasn't derogatory?

Actually my first impression here was whoah he's got interesting features, and I'm straight. Anything else about him is just an ignorant guess, he's obviously family-oriented.
Bretschneider's avatar
"Your opinion about prisoners? Are you even listening to yourself? The derogatory prison thing wasn't derogatory?"   Am I listening to myself? well.. Were you listening to me? i will say it once again. gypsies loves their kids too, but they are also selling drugs. is this derogatory? derogatory because they look suspicious, but either way each dark side has its bright side.
 maybe he is family oriented, but he also might be criminal because of his family. everything is subjective. deal with it. and don't judge me, saying that i am following stupid stereotypes, which, as i said before, sometimes exist for a reason.

"Actually my first impression here was whoah he's got interesting features" you really didn't get the point of this picture, did you? "and I'm straight." you are straight? wtf you are talking here about..? :icondeathstareplz:  " he's OBVIOUSLY family-oriented" ???? :shrug: either you are naive or you are teenager.
dagoth-jeff's avatar
I'm a naive, gay teenager, your bitchy judgmental assumptions nailed it. Congrats!
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