DuskParallelism's avatar
Do you happen to have the links to those several others by chance?
GrayOblivion's avatar
There are 3 reclists here sites.google.com/site/cvvcengl… which I believe are created by Cz.

The LITE reclist is the shortest (and most likely easiest to use) but is the most difficult to use in a UST due to the omission of some sounds

I heard the Cdra one is the most in-depth and leads to smoother-sounding voices when used in a UST. It is recorded in 'strings' (multiple sounds in a row) for a smaller number of recordings, with the oto.ini required to be configured so that each sound is separated.

Don't know much about the 3rd one, but it seems to be the same as the Cdra list except with each sound recorded individually instead of in a string.

There is also a guide linked on that webpage to help with pronunciation and other things related to recording with these reclists.

Hope this helped!
DuskParallelism's avatar
I'll try, thank you very much :huggle:
GrayOblivion's avatar