KantiaCartography's avatar
I'm just thinking in terms of occupation zones. When Germany was divided into separate occupation zones after WWII, the resulting east-west split occurred along those lines. I assume that these six states were occupied as they were in the OTL, with Prussia, Saxony, and parts of Austria being occupied by the Soviets, who installed communist governments in the first two and brought them into the Warsaw Pact. I'm pretty sure that Fenn-O-maniC made a Europe map a few years ago that had exactly that, but its flexible. 
I think Prussia would be Anti-Communist for reasons I've said before, but to take from prior comments:

"And yeah for Prussia I would expect them to be anti-Communist on the part of being so close to the Warsaw Pact but also because of historical precedents (AKA wars with Russia and absolute monarchy). Who knows, if they had an expansionist leader they may seek to return to pre-1866 borders and then perhaps reunify Germany."
KantiaCartography's avatar
It all just depends on whether or not these states were occupied post-WWII. If not, then you'd probably be correct in your analysis, but I wouldn't bet on it. It seems much more likely, given the OTL situation, that the Soviets would not have pulled out of eastern Germany and would have instead installed pro-soviet, satellite governments in Prussia and Saxony for the duration of the Cold War. I expect that the Prussian people probably would be anti-communist and seeks to reunify Germany (eventually), but I don't see this as any sort of deterrent to the USSR's agenda.