Ninih's avatar
Lion Hades:"And then after you made the venomous shake bite Mufasa and Simba they will be to weak to fight and then you can send you're hyenas to kill them!And no one will suspect a thing!It's perfect I tell you!"
Scar:".Awww....NO!I will do my wildebeest plan.It is much safer. "
Lion Hades:"It won't work I tell you!...Never mind,do whatever you what!Just don't come crying to me(in hell) if you get killed by you're nephew or hyenas!"
Scar:"Ha!As that could ever happen.Now leave me alone I need to sleep.Starting tomorrow I will be a king!"
*Lion Hades disappears*
Scar:"....Tomorrow morning I must go to Rafiki and ask him to give me something else for my Headache.And I should probably stop drinking from the same pond as the hyenas."
*Back at Rafiki's tree*
Rafiki:"I wonder what happen to Scar after I gave him those weird looking blue mushrooms that I found next to the pond that the hyenas were drinking from?Maybe they were poisonous and he died :D!"