tato-11's avatar
I agree, "Love and Tolerate" is supposed to be kind of the Brony doing by keeping the moral values and friendly attitude toward others even when there is something we dislike. This doesn't mean that we should be dormant, it means that we should respect others likes and be constructive instead of a bunch of bullies throwing hate every time someone do something we don't like.

I don't like "Mature" content many people post, actually, I really hate that kind of stuff, but that doesn't mean I will be going from post to post being a jerk when I found one, just ignore it and keep your way. And go ahead, call me hypocrite because I did threw some hate comments one time when I was having a really really reeeeally bad time and I kind of explode (trust me, nobody deserves be under that kind of stress...) but I did apologize for being such a pain on the plot.

TLDR: when you dislike something don't be a bully, just be polite, be kind, be constructive and most important... "Love and tolerate". You will be happier and feel much better that way.
moonwing-115's avatar
you are no pain, your opinion is welcome
aNIGHTLYpony's avatar
Exactly! i think most of the people in this group can agree with this. the people who are throwing hate around for the most Un-important reasons can never be real bronies.