Comment on Design by griffsnuff

DemonSkylier's avatar
Oh my goodness! Griff I love it! So handsome and the colors are just gorgeous! I can't wait to start using him and drawing him! Thank youThank you Thank you Thank you!!!!!!!! :glomp: I can't tell you how much I love him and how thankful I am.
griffsnuff's avatar
8D YAY I am so happy! I am more pleased with this design than the other so im so happy that you like it ^^
DemonSkylier's avatar
I love this one a lot more than the other too, this one is just so awesome! I want to play with his fins, they look fun. lol

With designs, how does crediting work?  
griffsnuff's avatar
8D Sure thing! you can change whatever you want to!

If someone asks you can tell them who made it, other than that you dont have to credit me each time you use it ^^;
DemonSkylier's avatar
Oh I don't want to change them, I meant like actually play with them. lol

Alright, I wanted to make sure, thank you. ^_^