Hetalia0Canada's avatar
XD lawl and Nyotalia~ where they're females :3 here ill give you something to watch. Look up on YouTube, "Hetalia RusAme Flesh Amv" an do the one with America kissing Russia's nose heheheee YEAH PARTEH! XD *puts up streamers and hands out cupcakes to everyone*
Capain-Caveman99's avatar
I remember it but not the name..... :( , UMMMM I'M GOOD WITHOUT A CUPCAKE.. believe me...
Hetalia0Canada's avatar
You seem sad young one.... here, have a kitten... *gives you adorable gray kitten* s2.favim.com/orig/37/cat-cute-...
Hetalia0Canada's avatar
Lawl I have two fat cats. But it's not the sad fat, it's like the cute and cuddly fat XD