TheBlackFawn's avatar
I stumbled upon this article and im glad i did because i've always questioned myself. even going to a "supposably" 2 yr college to get my AA in animation production.
But here i am, unable to get any sort of financial aid( which should change hopefully), at a jr. college paying 46$ a unit having to be 12units at least to get insurance and have been attending the same stupid college going on 3.5 years because they dont offer the classes i need every semester to progress in my major. yet i spend time at home watching, learning, trying to advance myself at self taught methods and have learned alot just on my own. i refuse to take out excessive student loans and cannot set my heart on going and being trapped in a 4 year institute where i'll feel beaten to a pulp trying to get done the same thing i could do on my own.

sure sure i've learned tons and loved my teachers so far, but i just cannot fathom why people think they have to force the opinion or thought on others about a 4 year experience when its not about the "general education" its about the actual work output of the artist themselves.
i've been frustrated so long and it is an AMAZING feeling that you've written this article to say, "hey its okay.."

Thank You sooooo much.