Wildchild300's avatar
Dammit, Tom, don't break the immersion!
TheGouldenWay's avatar

It's too late!  No one can stop it now!


But don’t worry; I’m not gonna pull that very often at all.  I was okay with breaking it in this one instance because the cop is really just "Nameless Dispensable Individual #1", so as the St. John's would say, "He was gonna die anyway."

Wildchild300's avatar
Did shit just get real or has the craziness only begun?

And I thought that cop was kinda cool. Mellow enough and had an interesting story to tell about that guy who kept crying and pleading his innocence. Would have loved to heard more from him.
TheGouldenWay's avatar

I agree, the cop was a pretty cool guy.  They gave him a decent personality right before they killed him off.  He probably would've been a cool companion to have for a while, but alas, he served as the last person you ever talk to in the "normal world", and nothing more.


Rest in Peace, Nameless Cop.