blustar2001's avatar
Oh, my god this was old. xDDD
I r3m3mb3r showing this to my par3nts and th3y w3r3 lik3 "Wow! Pia is such an amazing artist!" And I just kinda hid in th3 shadows lik3 I do
so that happ3n3d
Anyways you'r3 amazing and I lov3 you and I'ma miss you ov3r th3 br3ak. Hav3 a nic3 day :D
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blustar2001's avatar
Pm I recommend you stay awesome for the rest of your life.
mayumeii909's avatar
did the way that I typed that trigger your response to be that way.
because it is so weird.
the way I type is so weird.

i don't think there is any other way for me to live, SJ.