Comment on RWBYTrade by Elosande

ClockworkSprocket's avatar
There's a reason why Crescent Rose (the scythe/gun) can still shoot when it's a scythe. Ruby, being rather small in stature, uses the shots' recoil to help her swing the giant scythe. It adds a scary amount of speed to her swings.

But I digress.
Nice job on your interpretation. The red hood seems a bit out of place on a male character though.
Elosande's avatar
Ah so it works kinda like Yellow using her shots to make her attacks go faster.  Still seems odd but hey, at least they found a creative way to make use of it!  and the hood did turn into more of a poncho but I guess it didn't translate as well.  Thank ya kindly for the comment!
ClockworkSprocket's avatar
Yep. Monty's philosophy on fight choreography is "no wasted energy". If you look at Haloid or Dead Fantasy, you can see that each movement, each action flows so fluidly with the next. The fight choreo for the scenes he did in RvB season 10 is another good example of that.
Elosande's avatar
Eh, to me if fights flow too fluidly they stop feeling like fights and are more like a dance where the character keeps bumping into other people.  It looks real good but it's simply less believable.  That's just my opinion though.
ClockworkSprocket's avatar
That's a good point. I guess I'm just a sucker for fight-dance type things :3