Vidimus78's avatar
Are you implying you never played before this summer? I just died a little inside :< Fantastic piece, though. Saved and fav'd!

What I like most about this game is how exploitable it is. There are so many ways to cut corners are do speed runs and low percent runs to your heart's desire!
steven-donegani's avatar
Yep, sadly I never played when I was a kid. Downloaded it for 40 cents when it went on sale in the digital store. I would have gladly payed $40 for the experience and sense of reward I felt while playing. My initial play-through was nowhere near a speed run, haha, but I'm for the challenge the second time around.
Vidimus78's avatar
Ah excellent! I unfortunately missed out on that sale, but I am able to boast an original copy from my 4th birthday 8D I have yet to try a decent low% run, but I have done for-funsies speed runs that turned out pretty well.