HowlingWolf64's avatar
I dont want to be a jerk , I really dont, but Twily didn't become an alicorn until her adult years
TheGoatCarnival's avatar
Twilight (Sly Smile) PlzSaysplz emoticon edditionyou got a prob wit tat?
HowlingWolf64's avatar
No.... I am just saying that the artwork is slightly incorrect timeline-wise
TheGoatCarnival's avatar
Twilight (Sly Smile) PlzSaysplz emoticon eddition It's fan made so it doesn't matter 
HowlingWolf64's avatar
Mhm. I was merely addressing the ARTIST on this slight error. It is unnecessary for you to pretend to be a character from the show just so you can argue and thus make yourself feel better about your life. Now, unless you are the artist of this drawing in disguise, I have no further interest in talking to you.
TheGoatCarnival's avatar
Wow. For one, i don't have a life! And it was a joke.