Wherewulf14's avatar
What program did you use to make this? I like how it looks :D
Twokinds's avatar
Just good old Photoshop. The background was simply digitally painted.
HappyGleyson's avatar
This is The First Time I Saw You Reply On Someone Else Comment And I Thought You were Using Wacom Cintiq?

Btw Your Work Is Fantastic As Ever
Avristed's avatar
The cintiq is an art tablet, not a program.
HappyGleyson's avatar
I KNOW THAT!!! and i know what it look like 
WolfNightV4X1's avatar
Heeey Tom! I was just wondering how come you don't stop by and answer some more of our questions? I know you're probably busy and all but I just want to tell you how great you are and I love twokinds ^__^