ninjacloud73's avatar
THEY DID! I was so mad >8c 
I'm almost positive that it's the same person reporting me, which means that I have a hater~
DraconianWerewolf's avatar
ninjacloud73's avatar
That's what I'm saying! They're such ckjsdgbfdjngrgkifrt87orkgjf
//count to ten

I mean seriously, if you're writing in the original context, I get it. Sexualized minor. Understood. BUT. IF YOU'RE NOT. THEN IT ISN'T A PROBLEM.
And watch someone still find a way to report this...
I am so fed up with re-uploading everything.
DraconianWerewolf's avatar
that was a South Park reference. every time Kenny dies, Stan and Kyle say "Oh my God, they killed Kenny! You Bastards!
ninjacloud73's avatar
Kenny...that's the one that dies every episode, right?
DraconianWerewolf's avatar
yep, the one in the orange hoodie.