Darantha's avatar
I love it too, it's a really nice design (If a bit pants-less). Always lamented the lack of character specific gear in Origins for everyone aside from Morrigan.
svenskalovenska's avatar
That's true, however they changed that in the DAII, assigning a specific gear to each of the companion NPCs. On the other hand then I missed the possibility of changing the party's armor as I was able to do in the Origins ;) 

As for Leliana's pants-less armor, well, I guess someone must have really liked that idea as both Zevran and the Dalish elves have a pants-less impractical armor ;)
Darantha's avatar
Yeah, I know they changed it in DA2. Being unable to assign them gear was indeed a bit annoying since... you'd end up with armor nobody could use. But visually I loved that all the companions had their looks. It'll be interesting to see Inquisitions mixed system, sounds like they've put a lot of work into the whole customization aspect.

Hah, one of my Wardens is a rogue, and so is my main Hawke, so one of my first reactions when playing DA2 was "I have paaaaaaaaaaaants!".