Ashie-Art's avatar
All valid points uvu
I hadn't gotten a real specific idea for the characters personalities or looks, so I didn't bother with them. Now that I'm turning this into something much bigger though, they will be fleshed out eventually.

Also, the teacher purposely told us to leave out camera directions this time around! That way we didn't have to worry about the terminology this round.
And for your other questions, the statue was simply a woman, perhaps nude or dressed, not sure. But just a woman. v uv
Rathskallion's avatar
Thank you.

I wasn't looking for definite specifics, what I was looking for was a framework (i.e., the Male Traveler is in his early 30s, the pub's interior is all dark wood, etc.).  I'm glad this is becoming a bigger piece.

Yeah, I figured that you would get the rest of it as the class went on.  The terminology is simple: you'll get it in no time.

Thank you for answering that! ;) Now include it in the text! :P  I hope you post the longer stuff as it is written!
