Rhiss's avatar
Closing the other eye is actually something I was specifically taught not to do, despite how common it is.  That said, that's something I was taught in Scouts as a kid; I make no claims to be a soldier or anything.
Sweepea38's avatar
Alright, just with my own experience with not closing the other eye makes it pretty difficult to focus. although now that I think of it, keeping both eyes open makes it easier to keep steady.
CheshC's avatar
I'm no expert, but as I understand it, closing the other eye is for focusing and actually taking the shot. Both eyes should be open for maintaining situation awareness of the full area, rather than what's in your scope. 
Toxicmaster96's avatar
wile looking with both eyes you keep your vision, if you are going to snipe for long periods of time the crossair can get burned into your vision and make accurate shots more hard to get and you keep better detection to targets in the field